Apollo of Omphalos
Apollo of Omphalos

Dude, stop looking at my junk.

Leda, with Zeus as swan
Leda, with Zeus as swan

Everything’s a dildo if you’re adventurous enough.

Detail from Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli
Detail from Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli

Uh … I’m not supposed to be here.

Gravity/Potential Energy
Gravity/Potential Energy

Conceptional art installation, M. Garabedian, 2024.

Supplemental; Gravity/Potential Energy
Supplemental; Gravity/Potential Energy

This one’s fairly self-explanatory.

Autoritratto, Raffaello Sanzio
Autoritratto, Raffaello Sanzio

Even I’m not interested wit’s my work..

Autoritratto da vecchio e giovano  Salomon Adler detto Salomone di Danzica
Autoritratto da vecchio e giovano Salomon Adler detto Salomone di Danzica

Ehhh … It was the dog.

Ritratto dei Fratello, lo stuccatore Diego Francesco Carloni. Carlo Innocenzo Carloni.
Ritratto dei Fratello, lo stuccatore Diego Francesco Carloni. Carlo Innocenzo Carloni.

Sure, sure. You’re right. I shouldn’t have waited until the last minute.

Living: Some days you wake and immediately … [Autoritratto]. Jenny Holzer.
Living: Some days you wake and immediately … [Autoritratto]. Jenny Holzer.

a/k/a Parenthood

Detail: Saint James the Great and the two children. Andrea Del Sarto.
Detail: Saint James the Great and the two children. Andrea Del Sarto.

The important things is that I had a plate on my head, which was the style at the time..

The Nude
The Nude

“I regret all my life’s decisions.”

Apollo of Omphalos
Leda, with Zeus as swan
Detail from Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli
Gravity/Potential Energy
Supplemental; Gravity/Potential Energy
Autoritratto, Raffaello Sanzio
Autoritratto da vecchio e giovano  Salomon Adler detto Salomone di Danzica
Ritratto dei Fratello, lo stuccatore Diego Francesco Carloni. Carlo Innocenzo Carloni.
Living: Some days you wake and immediately … [Autoritratto]. Jenny Holzer.
Detail: Saint James the Great and the two children. Andrea Del Sarto.
The Nude
Apollo of Omphalos

Dude, stop looking at my junk.

Leda, with Zeus as swan

Everything’s a dildo if you’re adventurous enough.

Detail from Adoration of the Magi, Botticelli

Uh … I’m not supposed to be here.

Gravity/Potential Energy

Conceptional art installation, M. Garabedian, 2024.

Supplemental; Gravity/Potential Energy

This one’s fairly self-explanatory.

Autoritratto, Raffaello Sanzio

Even I’m not interested wit’s my work..

Autoritratto da vecchio e giovano Salomon Adler detto Salomone di Danzica

Ehhh … It was the dog.

Ritratto dei Fratello, lo stuccatore Diego Francesco Carloni. Carlo Innocenzo Carloni.

Sure, sure. You’re right. I shouldn’t have waited until the last minute.

Living: Some days you wake and immediately … [Autoritratto]. Jenny Holzer.

a/k/a Parenthood

Detail: Saint James the Great and the two children. Andrea Del Sarto.

The important things is that I had a plate on my head, which was the style at the time..

The Nude

“I regret all my life’s decisions.”

show thumbnails