Sasquatch, upon realization that honey is a laxative
Sasquatch, upon realization that honey is a laxative

Folsom, CA

Man, with abdominal hernia
Man, with abdominal hernia

Folsom, CA

When the peyote starts to kick in
When the peyote starts to kick in

Folsom, CA

Once the peyote has really kicked in
Once the peyote has really kicked in

Folsom, CA

Magic from within the bottle
Magic from within the bottle

Folsom, CA

Sasquatch, upon realization that honey is a laxative
Man, with abdominal hernia
When the peyote starts to kick in
Once the peyote has really kicked in
Magic from within the bottle
Sasquatch, upon realization that honey is a laxative

Folsom, CA

Man, with abdominal hernia

Folsom, CA

When the peyote starts to kick in

Folsom, CA

Once the peyote has really kicked in

Folsom, CA

Magic from within the bottle

Folsom, CA

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