Museums with Matt
c. 2019
Matthew James, American, 1974 —
One never knows when inspiration will strike. While visiting the National Gallery of Art, the idea of collecting alternative titles, captions, and interpretations in art in one location came to the forefront of conversation. A book? An Instagram feed? No! A website. No, a book. Website. Book. … but I digress.
Website it is. This one. Here you go. Enjoy finding the ridiculous where you least experience it. Have fun. Don’t let others’ interpretations of things ruin your ability of have fun. Be irreverent. Be crazy. Laugh in quiet places. Enjoy life.
Experience art.
In whatever way you’d like.
Please note:
This is all meant to be humorous, satirical, or otherwise ridiculous. I’ve made a lot of shit up in hopes of getting a giggle or guffaw. Don’t take it too seriously.
Brand names are used without without permission and do not represent an endorsement
Pictures are intentionally taken at slight off angels, cropped in odd ways, and not of what you might call “professional quality”
My intention is not to offend, but if you are offended, that’s your issue, not mine. This offering is made without apologies
All photographs taken by me, unless otherwise credited.
I don’t know if I can copyright any of this, but until I check with my lawyer, I’ll assume that I can
(c) Matthew James, 2019.